On the value of 3-dimensionality when dealing with memory, retention, and retrieval.
Category: Future of Reading
Nicholas Carr on the iPad reader and eBook reader
Nicholas Carr argues: the model of book reading (and hence book writing) the iPad promotes seems fated, in time, to become the dominant one. The book itself, in this model, becomes an app, a multihypermediated experience to click through rather than a simple sequence of pages to read through. And he cites John Makinson of… Continue reading Nicholas Carr on the iPad reader and eBook reader
Do School Libraries Need Books? (NYT)
Image by promaine via Flickr A not terribly interesting debate at the Times’s RoomForDebate blog on school libraries and whether they should have books. The discussion (not the right word for a handful of interested parties talking/emailing to a reporter) shaded into future of the book, and “they should both exist!” (And why the illustration:… Continue reading Do School Libraries Need Books? (NYT)
Books and Twitter: Neither Luddite nor Biltonite (George Packer in the New Yorker)
Neither Luddite nor Biltonite: Interesting Times : The New Yorker Image via Wikipedia George Packer at the New Yorker writes: Just about everyone I know complains about the same thing when they’re being honest—including, maybe especially,, people whose business is reading and writing. They mourn the loss of books and the loss of time for… Continue reading Books and Twitter: Neither Luddite nor Biltonite (George Packer in the New Yorker)